Thursday, November 24, 2011

Habari yako

A new road in Kyuna, the area where I live
A cute gate with a Gecko on it.
The gate to our house (with Ruby the dog)
The books I bought
Me today
The kids as pirates
My new friend! I call him Bruce!

So, Tuesday I actually don't remember what I did, but after picking up Marley from school, I went with the driver to pickup Sarah. We stopped by a shopping mall to get a present for Abdullah, Sarah and Sasha's friend who turned one year older. Sarah wanted to buy books for him, and that was perfect for me, because I had to buy more books! I ended up buying three books. If you don't know me, I like to read a lot (just so you know) haha. We drove home and later that night we got picked up and drove to Mercury, that's an Irish pub/restaurant here. The birthday"boy" and his wife had invited 12 persons and they were so kind to invite me along, a complete stranger. We ended up at another restaurant because of the bad service at Mercury. It was a nice meal and a nice evening. Even though I didn't know anybody at the table (except Sasha and Sarah). But I defiantly need to get some friends at my own age, so I can be a part of the conversation! Haha! But it was a nice restaurant and some friendly people! We drove home and when we got home it was about 00.30, so we all jumped right to bed!

Wednesday, yesterday I woke up and the electricity was gone, so I couldn't take a hot shower, so I decided just to fresh me up and go for a walk. It was a hot day and I had no idea how long it was to the next shop (to buy water), but I had my sunglasses, my camera and some comfortable shoes on!  I walked for like almost 2 hours, including a walk around in the garden at an Indian temple. I also got some new friends. Two women who are sitting next to the road  EVERYDAY (besides Sundays off course) and selling stuff. I had a chat with them, and gave them some sweets, they loved that! I also met the Pastor at their church, and he was welcoming me to Kenya and said that I was welcome at the church. When I got home again the power was still gone, so I found a book and started to read! Then I played with the kids. We sang songs, made some puzzles and then I was told to hide a toy and they would find it. And the other way around. Later at around 6 the power came on again. From 07.15 - ca 18.00. Thats a long time! But I was told that there was a tree that had landed on a wire, so it was a problem in a big area. Well, we had some dinner and then sat in front of the telly with the kids. And then Usiku mwema! (good night in Swahili).

This morning, Sasha had an early flight for South Africa, a work-related trip. It was raining really bad all morning and I had a light headache (that unfortunately didn't go away). I watched telly, read in my book and then played with the kids. We pretended that we were pirates, aaaargh. When Sarah got home, we drove of, just me and her, to the movies. We watched "In time". A good movie I think, but it wasn't really Sarah's genre :) We got home and we decided to just go to our rooms. And now I'm writing blog, trying to find me on the map and chatting with friends. In some hours, Sarah's brother Hatim will arrive and stay here for some days. So, I will try to update as soon as possible!

Kisses and hugs here from Kenya!

Friday, November 18, 2011


Sorry for the bad update, but the Internet has been really messed up here. I will try to remember all the things I have done, and as usual, just ask if you have any questions!
Me today

I will not write down, day for day, because I simply don't remember... Haha

Well, I have been spending time with Kiri mostly, Marley has been sick and has to stay calm and rest. Kiri and I have been jumping on the trampoline, playing piano, singing, done puzzles, played with her Barbie's, and just having fun. Her Danish is good, but she doesn't want to speak all the time. It's probably because she knows that I can understand English and it's not necessary for her to communicate on Danish.

Sarah showed me different shopping malls in the area and I must say, some of the places here, doesn't even look like Kenya. I will try to take some pictures to show, because people who hasn't been to Kenya don't expect these buildings and environments. I don't even think that most persons who hasn't been here, knows that there is many many "white" people here and all from different places in the world. Even when I was here last time, and didn't see that much from this "side" of the country.

Two of the afternoons last week, we spend some time in a café. One day it was for Sarah who met up with a friend, while I had my laptop with me and also took a walk at the market. The other day Sarah had to work and we decided to bring both of our laptops with us. She working and I chatting, and there were also some time for salad for lunch. It was funny, because at the table right next to us, two men sat and they started to speak Danish, so we actually started to laugh a little bit. It's not unusual to meet Europeans here, but it was such a coincidence.
At the malls here there are security guards and they all like to talk. They ask me about my "Masai"-earrings, my tattoo and also about the little picture I have hanging on my purse, a picture of my best friend Tiina from when she was a little girl.

Friday the kids had a playdate where there was a lot of kids playing and having fun. All the nanny's where watching them, while the parents either worked or had coffee.
Saturday Kiri was attending a pool party for her friend who turned 6. Not all the parents of the 32 kids of the class were there, but I came along and we had some wine, sun and snacks and chatted.
Sunday I went with the whole family to another shopping mall a bit longer from where we live. There we checked out the newest renovation, checked out the stores and ate yoghurt-icecream at Planet Yoghurt. Hmm, so delicious. We bought food from KFC, bought medicine for the children who now both has a sore throat, and headed home to eat. I read some pages in the book "3096 days" - Natascha Kampusch (the girl who were kidnapped and kept as a slave for 8 years). Kiri came later that day and asked if I wanted to watch a movie, and there we all sat and watched Cinderella while it was raining A LOT. What a wonderful movie!

Today I planned to go to West Gate, a shopping mall, but the driver was gone all morning fixing the car I believe and it was raining again today, so I just felt like staying inside. So it was a TV / computer day for me, but when the electrecity shut down, I had to do something else. I did spend some time with the kids, reading and singing and just being silly. After that the power hadn't come on yet, so I sat down and read again. Now I'm finished with the book so I have to buy a new one...

Well, I'm feeling hungry, so it's time for me to have a peanut butter sandwich.
I will try to update more this week!

Peace out,


Monday, November 14, 2011

First real day

Today when I woke up, I went for a walk in the area that I live in. Oh my god, I need to do more workout! A mix of not working out in a long time, the heat and the hills... Well, you can just imagine...
Well, when I came home again I sat outside and read in a book. "The White Masai". A really good book AND a movie, but not alike at all! And that is a shame I think, because the book is so much better! Well, after that I talked with my darling Tiina on skype! Oh what a lovely sight! You see, we were both dropped on the floor when we were babies, and that has affected the way we are... We are both crazy but fit so well together! So after that, me and the housekeeper/nanny Violet went with the driver Chris to pick up Kiri from school. Marley was at home today, because he is sick. When we got there, Kiri was attending swimming lessons and when she was done with that she had tennis lessons, so I sat next to and watched her play. When we got back home I was spending some time with Marley and Kiri alone speaking danish with them. We jumped on the trampoline, we made some puzzles and played the piano. Sarah got home and the kids took a bath and after that we had dinner. I checked the computer for a minute and then me and Sarah watched television. Now I'm just relaxing in my room and going to watch a movie I think. If you have any questions please, don't hesitate! I'll answer (almost) anything!

My darling Tiina and I at skype!


Sunday, November 13, 2011

2011-11-13 12.35

Yesterday Sarah showed me the house, the garden and also presented me to the gardener, the housekeeper/nanny, the guard and her mother in law, who is also the neighbor. Tomorrow I'll maybe take some photos of the garden/house (and also the two dogs).
We where also at some friends house (not my friends, but Sarah and Sasha's ). We ate and drank some wine. Then the kids got tired, and actually so did we, so we headed home.

Now I'm lying in my bed and just chilling! I've just been to the nearest shop, to buy some shampoo etc. Interesting, huh? Some other friends of Sarah and Sasha are here, and right now Sarah has gone to pick up some food. Pizza actually. Yeay. Maybe I'll update later. I now got Internet on my own laptop, so I don't have to use theirs.
I have unpacked all of my things so it now feels more at home!



ps. For you in Sweden and Denmark, I'm two hours ahead of you, so you know.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Finally here!

I`m here now! After a long time sitting in an cold airplane all alone (reminding you that I hate flying!!!), I am finally here. I will blog as often as I can, but I am not promising that it will be everyday.
Well, this is just to check in that I am safe and love it already. It was difficult to say goodbye to everyone, but told everyone, if their mind is focused on something else, the time will fly by. I am sure that my time spending here will go fast also. I dont have any pictures for you right now, but you just have to be patient! :)

Until next time, take care, where ever YOU are in the world!


Thursday, November 10, 2011

Introducing Cille in Kenya

My name is Cecillie but you can call me Cille. I come from Denmark but have lived in Sweden since August 2008. In 2010 we started a project in school, collecting money for a school in Kenya. March 2011 we went there, four students and three teachers. Lets just say that I fell in love with the country. I was determined to go back, for a longer time after finishing school. I was told that my step dad's - mother's - cousins - daughter (I know, confusing right?) live in Kenya, so I wrote an email telling her about myself. We wrote emails for a long time, trying to figure out when, what and everything else, until we decided that I was going to live with her and her husband, and teach their kids danish. In June (or July?) we met in Denmark just to talk things over.
The picture is from March 2011 at the school Finken in Rongai
So thats why I'm leaving for Kenya tomorrow actually. I'm going to stay for three or six months, live with the family and just live a different life in a country so different from Sweden. I'm am going to write here as often as I can, just to let my dear ones at home know how I'm felling and also to share my experience! Hope you'll enjoy it, because I know I will!

Take care and wish me luck!
